Development within the Town
Have a quick look at ongoing commercial and residential development projects.
Martin's Creek Townhomes
A thirty three unit multifamily development was recommended for approval by the Town Board on a 4.5 acre site just north of Gardnerville Elementary School. The units are proposed to be split between duplexes and triplexes. The next steps in development would be the submittal of both site improvement and building permits.
High Sierra Storage
A new self-storage facility is proposed in the far southeastern portion of the Town. Located at 1608 Pinenut Court the High Sierra Storage will provide 396 self-storage units and 156 covered long term paring spaces for boats and recreational vehicles. The project was recommended for approval by the Town Board at the July 2023 Town Board Meeting. Building permits were submitted to the Town in October 2023 with revisions required prior to construction.
Carson Valley Veterinary Hospital
Carson Valley Veterinary Hospital is proposing to construct a state of the art 15,000 square foot veterinary hospital at the corner of Charlotte Way and US Highway 395. The Carson Valley Medical Center is expanding by approximately 25% and this veterinary hospital will help anchor this health care center. The Town Board will consider the design review on December 7, 2021. The project started construction in early summer 2023.
Stoneridge villas
Proposed one hundred fifty nine lot manufactured home community north of Pinenut Road and east of Muller Lane. The development will offer 99-year lease to the property. The project has received a zoning map and master plan amendment to allow for the proposed densities in May of 2019. In August of 2019 a manufactured housing overlay was approved on the parcel. The project is scheduled for a design review and special use permit hearing at the March 2021 Town Board Meeting. The final step in the process will be to obtain a site improvement permit to construct the improvements.
Proposed fifty-one for lease units north of the Town Open Space west of Gilman Avenue across from Chichester Drive. The project is located in the last undeveloped portion of the original Chichester Development. The project was approved by the Town Board, Planning Commission, and Board of County Commissioners. Construction of the site improvements was completed in summer 2023. Most of the site improvements are complete with vertical construction of units on going.
Ashland Park
One hundred and 190 single family residential units were approved by the Town Board to be constructed north of Stodick Park and west of Chichester Estates. The project will complete two lanes of Muller Parkway north to the property boundary. The project will also install a round about at the Toler Lane/Muller Parkway intersection. The parcels on the project are between 8,000 and 13,000 square feet.
- Formally known as The Ranch at Gardnerville
- Project Information presented to the Gardnerville Town Board, June 5, 2018
- Project Information presented to the Gardnerville Town Board, August 1, 2017
- The Ranch at Gardnerville Phases One, Two, and Seven are complete.
- Only Phase Three is currently under construction.
- Phasing Plan
- 5 acre Heybourne Meadows Pond project.
- Maverik Design Review presented to the Gardnerville Town Board, June 4, 2019.
- Maverik Tentative Parcel Map presented to the Gardnerville Town Board, September 3, 2019. Map seeks to create three parcels from one 8.5 acre parcel.
- All of the approvals from 2019 expired. Maverik reapplied in February 2023 and were again approved. The next steps would be to submit for site improvement and building permits.
- Located at 1301 N HWY 395.
Main Street Apartments
- Martin Stahl was approved to change the neighborhood commercial zoned property to mixed-use commercial and is planning on constructing an apartment complex behind a commercial building at 1378 Highway 395.
- Project Information presented to the Gardnerville Town Board, August 2, 2016.
- The 2016 approval expired with no construction. The project was represented to the Town Board in March 2023. The project was again approved. The next steps would be to submit for site improvement and building permits.
Ruins to Riches, LLC
- Project Information presented to the Gardnerville Town Board, July 3, 2018
- The site improvements were completed in early 2022. The first four of the twenty approved apartments is under construction in mid 2023.
- This project is located adjacent to Guns and Ammo at 1321 Highway 395 N.